On Saturday 15th June the Apollo Bay & District Health Foundation hosted a celebration at the Apollo Bay Surf Life Saving Club to acknowledge the contributions the foundation has made to the community and thank community members for their support over the last 20 years. Here’s some more information about the Foundation and how it ultimately has helped the community help itself.
Why the celebration?
The celebration recognises the long-term nature of the Foundation. 20 years of raising funds to assist Otway Health and similar health-related organisations to provide services for the good health and well-being of the communities of Apollo Bay and surrounding districts.
Why and how was the Foundation founded?
In 1998, the Board of Otway Health & Community Services (OHCS) sought to have established an ongoing process to meet its future capital requirements. This resulted in a Community meeting being held to investigate the establishment of an independent foundation to raise funds in support of the aims of OHCS. Judith Kennedy, Les Noseda, Frank Shields (Otway Health President) and Ron Clark initiated the meeting which was chaired by Judith.
The Community agreed to the establishment of a Foundation and a Steering Committee was formed. Members of the Committee were: Les Noseda (OHCS Board Member), Peter Vickery QC, Chris White, Geoff Learey, John Gilbert (Lawyer), John Spencer, Stuart Holbery (Lawyer), John Hellyar, Mike Ferey, Dianne Clark, Wendy Dwyer, Andrew Buchanan, and Bill Flynn.
Keith Leorke made the initial gift of $100 to enable the start-up of the Foundation.
The initial Deed and Statement of Purposes was drafted by the lawyers Peter Vickery QC, John Gilbert and Stuart Holbery. The Foundation subsequently gained exemption as a Charitable Organisation on May 20, 1999.
Recognition of Bequests and other Contributors
Perc Murray, John Hellyer, Murray Champion and Les Noseda are acknowledged for substantial bequests made in their wills. Many thanks are also extended to the many contributors to the Foundation, in particular the Governors of the Foundation.
Foundation Achievements
The purchase of the freehold in October 2004 of the shop that is rented to Otway Health for the Opportunity Shop.
Accumulated Members’ Equity amounting to $1.2 Million.
Collaboration with Otway Health.
Annual Grants Program
Since 2000 almost $350,000 has been given out in our Annual Grants program to a number of local community groups and organisations for health related purposes, including:
Otway Health ($182K+), Amulance Victoria ($45K+), Apollo Bay P-12 College ($28K+), Apollo Bay SLSC ($13K), Lavers Hill K-12 College ($12K), Apollo Bay CFA ($10K+), Apollo Bay Preschool ($10K+), Apollo Bay Men’s Shed ($5K), Apollo Bay Football Netball Club ($3K+), Apollo Bay Little Athletics ($3K), Wye River SLSC ($3K+), Kennett River Progress Association ($2K+)
See the full list of grant recipients here.
Involvement in the Great Ocean Road Marathon/Running Festival
The festival provides opportunity for all not for profit organisations from Apollo Bay to Wye River to raise money by volunteering their time. We at the ABDHF bring the groups and people together! Since 2014 the we have been the Premier Charity for the Marathon/Running Festival and have been responsible for organising around 250 local volunteers and distributing funds raised back to the groups involved. Groups that have raised funds by providing volunteers over the last 6 years include:
Apollo Bay P-12 College ($114K+), Apollo Bay Preschool ($27K+), Apollo Bay Sailing Club ($23K+), Kennett River Progress Association ($20k), Wye River CFA, ($16K+), Wye River SLSC ($16K+), Apollo Bay U3A ($5K+), Apollo Bay CFA ($3K+)
See the full list of volunteer recipients here.
Member of a Project Review Group focussing on Integrated Primary Health Care, which has now concluded.
Member of the Otway Health Community Advisory Committee.
Current Trustees
The valuable contribution being made by the current Trustees should be recognised.
The Trustees are:
Ian Manton (Chair), Andrew Buchanan (past Chair), John Curry (Treasurer), Kerry McMahon (Secretary), Craig Buckingham (Vice Chair), Stuart Holbery, Pip Cuming, Andrew Gardiner, Nicholas Salkeld, Holly Earl and Mel Aggenbach.
Where to from here?
The Foundation has prepared a Strategic Plan for the next 3 years – the mission is to grow the Foundation for the benefit of the health of Communities of Apollo Bay and surrounding districts. The Plan is reviewed annually.
With the support of our Members and Community we look forward to the next 20 years of Service.
Lastly, a very big thank you to those who helped us deliver the anniversary on Saturday night. To Georgie and the Surf Club Committee for providing an excellent venue, to Mark and the team from Sandy Feet for their delicious catering, to Andrew Noseda for providing Prickly Moses tasty beers, to Mt Duneed Estate for the superb wines, to La Bimba for the outstanding cake and to Sarah McQuinn for the beautiful vocals.